5308 S Oceana Drive
New Era, Michigan 49446
Phone: 231-861-5374
Cell: 231-721-5763
Email: pastormikednebc@gmail.com
Sunday Services
The Church at Prayer - 8:30 a.m.
Morning Worship - 9:30 a.m.
Sunday School - 11:00 a.m.
Evening Worship - 6:00 p.m.
New Era Bible Church
Encourage, Equip, Serve
Your search has led you to our website and we are so thankful to have you visiting with us. It is our desire to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ in making disciples who in turn will go forth and make disciples!
Feel free to peruse our links, leave us a note, and enjoy sound teaching from the Word of God - the Bible.
And, should you be traveling through our area on a given Sunday or be new to the area and/or looking for a church to call home, we look forward to meeting you.

Looking for a home?
New Era Bible Church has been actively involved with the New Era community since 1955. New Era Bible Church continues to promote the Good News of Jesus Christ to a world lost and in need of a Savior. People who visit us repeatedly remark about the friendliness of our church family. Whether it be a Sunday worship service or a children’s or teen program during the week, there’s something for everyone here in this beautiful part of West Michigan, merely a stone’s throw from the big lake. Together as the body of Christ explores and engages our collective spiritual gifts, we find ourselves ministering to one another in a way that generates the light and love of the Lord Jesus Christ to all those around us.
Upcoming Events
Current Sermon Series:

Current Adult Sunday School Elective:

Saved...Justified...Grace...Redemption...what do these terms means?
Join our study of one of the most disputed doctrines, as we not only define the terms but grapple with the difficult questions about sin, inherited sin, depravity, the order of salvation, election, free will, repentance, eternal security and more.
Join us Sunday mornings at 11:00am

At first glance Saul of Tarsus resembles a modern day terrorist rather than a devout follower of Judaism. The blood of Stephen, the first Christian martyr, splattered across Paul's clothes while he stood by as an accomplice to a vicious crime.
How does one transform from being a cold blooded murderer of God's people to becoming perhaps the greatest of biblical writers and an apostle to the gentiles?
He came face to face with the blinding light of Jesus Christ, was led out of sin's darkness into the brilliance of God's forgiveness, and became known as the apostle of Grace.
If the "chief of sinners" can be forgiven, is there not hope for us all?
Join us Sunday evenings at 6:00pm
Evening Service:
Contact Us

5308 S Oceana Drive
New Era, Michigan 49446
Phone: 231-861-5374
Cell: 231-721-5763
Email: pastormikednebc@gmail.com